LAMETER is glad to inform you that in February, together with IES Innovative Equipment Supply Corp, has been participating to the TISE exhibition, the main event of the year for the USA/CANADA market in the surfaces sector, which was held as usual in Las Vegas. The International Surface Event is aimed at a professional audience […]
LAMETER, a company that has always been at the forefront in the search for innovative solutions for its customers and business partners around the World, is proud to announce the launch of the ON-LINE CONFIGURATOR which you can already find online on the company web site!! (insert link). The ON-LINE CONFIGURATOR allows in a […]
LAMETER, manufacturer of equipment for quarrying and mining machinery, is pleased to announce its participation in the BAUMA 2022 EXHIBITION which will be held from 24th to 30th October 2022, at the Trade Fair Center Messe München. We will exhibit a selection of our equipment, accessories and buckets and we are ready to welcome you […]
Lameter è lieta di informare la sua clientela circa la registrazione di un brevetto ESCLUSIVO riguardante il nostro sistema di attacco rapido, completato dal sensore di sicurezza che consente la costante verifica del corretto accoppiamento delle attrezzature con la macchina.
LAMETER ha preso coscienza della necessità di rinnovare la propria immagine in modo più dinamico ed attuale, e grazie all’utilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche, essere più vicini alle esigenze dei propri clienti