Special equipment for earthmoving machinery

Mining Loader Bucket

Lameter > Mining Loader Bucket

Lameter designs and produces tailor-made Buckets for Mining applications in various configurations to optimize performance and customized according to the application and customers’ needs.

Lameter boasts over 20 years of experience building attachments for loaders working in mining applications. Our buckets extract minerals and rocks in mines  all over the world in the hardest conditions, heavy duty and extra heavy duty.



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Cutting Edge Wear Package

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Cutting Edge





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Outside Bucket Wear Package 1/2

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Inside Bucket Wear Package

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Side Edge Wear Package

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Outside Bucket Wear Package 2/2

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The final estimated price is :

bradken, byg, cat, combi, esco, feurst, hensley, hitachi, komatsu, kvx, volvo, etc

Pin-on/Hook on, Width, Inside width, Material moved, etc

Max 10 Mb


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Discount :
Total :